Wednesday, December 15, 2010

...follow the plan: create, launch, rework, conclude

I'd like to refer to this blog post by Chris Brogan which my Marketing Director, The Nomad Marketer, brought to my attention this week.

The blog post expertly charts the mechanics of online promotion.

Plan: is always the most important mechanic - they say 'fail to plan, plan to fail' and this is what he suggests when he itemises all the components to consider. Plan (goal, target, area of approach, resources, website, tools, ads and marketing, content, third parties, etc)

Create: bringing to life the audio and written content, including a plan for how the social media and blog angles will be. Hoping that the story you’re hoping to tell aligns with the bloggers you’d like to have work on the project.

Launch: where the rubber meets the road....the execution of the plan. I've chosen to reuse his visual here...

Rework: This is usually where the most value can be derived (and certainly where my company, IQPC, is determined to get better at). Whatever the case, you should always have a “rework” phase in your plans so that you can adjust your tactics and better deliver on your strategy. We use the word 're-purpose', to me this is adapting a relevant piece of content to a different format that people will engage with...

Conclude: I interpret this step as the 'thanks' and 'evaluation' section. Using this time to thank you partners, and evaluate the performance of your channels and to keep an eye on the competition for the next few months.

Obvioulsy for a more comprehensive overview of these steps, check out Chris Brogan's direct link above.

Until next time,
Chris Archer

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