Monday, February 8, 2010

it'sallonline launch blog

..truth be told, I should’ve started this blog back in June 2009.

As the first ‘Online Communications Manager’ to be hired within our company, globally,
IQPC took a big chance on me.

And I took a big chance on them.

Starting out, I didn’t know how this role would evolve, what to expect, or how this role would affect the business…and yet as I look back after 9 months, much has been achieved, here and overseas.

itsallonline has been born.

The purpose of this blog is to trace back through what I’ve learned, tried and implemented, and to develop a legacy for future Online Communications Managers within the group.

Also to share ideas, foster discussion, and record the new things I learn.

I’m also challenging myself on a personal level to read more, research more and share more. I’ll use this space to highlight key learnings.

I also think the process of writing, updating and managing a blog is a great learning experience.

So, I encourage you who may read this to challenge me, share what you know, and we can evolve together.

Feel free to drop me an
email, share your thoughts, or comment on this blog.

Quote of the blog: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton


Chris Archer
Online Communications Manager
IQPC Australia

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris,

    Welcome to the blogosphere....

    You have done an outstanding job as the first online communications manager at IQPC in Australia. You have helped shape the role and define how we as a company participate in the "conversation".

    Thanks for all the hard work and innovation...Good luck with the blog!



Thanks for your comment. I review this blog daily and will approve this shortly.

Chris Archer