Monday, April 19, 2010

...The value of news in driving EQs

I like my headline - it rhymes!

IQPC Australia has had much success in driving enquiries through news content.

By capturing and marketing relevant news to your target market, you are demonstrating that you’re keeping your finger on the pulse, you’re aware of current affairs, you know the issues affecting their industry and how to overcome them!

A step-by-step guide to turning bad news into good news!

Step one: Set up your ‘Google Alerts’ to send you daily/weekly updates of related news content for your events. Also ensure your conference producers and fellow marketeers are actively looking for online and print news for their conferences.

Step two: Review the news and extract any article or news feature which relates to your conference topic/s. (e.g. we are running a conference on Population Health Management and an article featured on the front page of the Australian Financial Review recently which highlighted key issues affecting our target market.)

Step three: Drop article into PDF, ensuring you source the content in the footer. Or if this is a print publication – scan it! Like this…

Step four: Market it! Like this

Dear X,

Improving Australia's healthcare has shot back to the top of the national agenda after the government announced $2 billion worth of funding for healthcare in Australia.
Featured on the front page of the Australian Financial Review, Monday 12 April, the article highlighted that 436 million will be for funding long term preventative illness including diabetes.
If you would like to read the article click here and we will send it to you. [This is linked to, it opens up an automatic email with a pre-populated subject header ‘Please send me a copy of ‘X Article’]

Step five: The requests for the article will filter into the enquiries inbox and will need to be inputted into SKY. This will create new opportunities for the EQ team (who will need to send each respondent the article via email, and follow up with them soon after to maximise your lead potential).

Pros, Cons, and Considerations:

Pro: We are not asking for a lot of details to be inputted in order to access the content, the simplicity of ‘click and we’ll send it to you’ is brilliant! And in most cases, a person’s auto-signature will generate all the information you require!

Con: The manual entry of names into SKY

Consideration: It is important for your EQ team to remember that a news article (like other online content) will rarely convert a full delegate ticket alone. You need to use this as ammunition to SPIN…

Situation (The article touches directly with the situation of why we have the conference)
Problem (Addresses one of the specific issues about the conference)
Implication (Addresses one of implications of what would happen if they don’t solve the problems)
Need-payoff (Specific urgency regarding the above)

So consider what else you have available to you to share with your prospect (podcasts, other news, whitepapers, research, case studies, the brochure?)

Until next time,

Chris Archer

1 comment:

  1. OK - this I like a lot. I am doing a training session for Producers in Berlin next week and am going to use your step by step in the training. Thank you!


Thanks for your comment. I review this blog daily and will approve this shortly.

Chris Archer